So it has been ages since I wrote a post for my Mommy blog, but I need to now. I am still a stay at home Mommy, aka domestic goddess, as I've learned to refer to myself thanks to Nigella Lawson (more to come on Nigella as the blog posts keep coming). I am no longer the Mommy to just one mini, but Murph and I have added another mini to our clan. Matthew arrived on March 30, 2011 and it has been crazy since then (good crazy). I had no idea I could be as in love with two little beings as I am and still wouldn't trade being home for anything, but I am starting to realize that I need an outlet, hence the return of the blog. I do not get a chance to be on the computer as much as I once was, but when I do get a chance, I read other Mommy blogs...surprise surprise! Truthfully, some of my best Mommy ideas have come from other Mom blogs and of course my other addiction, Pinterest!!! My sister, Missy, is doing her pinterest project on her blog-totally awesome idea and she is beyond creative so check out her blog too, Perfectly Flawed.
I figured if other Moms could write about their ideas, I might as well share mine too. I have no delusion that my ideas are totally original or that I am the first to try these things, but I found that by reading other blogs and being on Pinterest, I am inspired to try things-just ask Murph-he's gotten to try some yummy dinners thanks to my girlfriends' pins in their recipe boards!
It was a rainy day in May here in NY and the morning was dark and chilly, so Matthew gets to hang out in pjs most of the day and Stina gets to do some of her projects. As a former teacher, I have tons of books that have been helping Stina prep for Pre-K in September. She calls this time at the dining room table "Mommy School". Mommy School comes complete with a ride on the school bus (the loveseat), a school bag (filled with her stuffies and usually my cell phone or various things from my wallet) and stickers for work well done. Today during Mommy School, once we finished writing letters and adding (sort of-counting fingers and pictures) we decided to do a rainy day science project and we made Blue Gooey. So simple, but she loved it.
1 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup water
a few drops blue food color (not the gel)
Put cornstarch into bowl and slowly add water. Mix around with hands and have fun squishing.
The whole idea is to show that cornstarch is a thickener and see how it changes the water-Stina mostly loved the gooeyness. Just don't do what I did-DO NOT make the goo the day before your child is having a portrait done with her baby brother. Thanks to lots of scrubbing with a baby nailbrush and lemon kitchen soap, Stina will not be posing for her pictures with Grover hands LESSON LEARNED!
The Blue Gooey is super simple and the best is that I had everything in the house-no rainy trips to Stop and Shop necessary. If you don't have blue food color, make Red Gooey, or Yellow Gooey-whatever you have would work fine. It managed to keep Stina busy and satisfy her love of messiness. Clean up was a breeze to, except for the hands. My favorite projects are cost friendly and kid friendly.
And this is my return to the blog world!!! I'll keep you posted on all our family fun, drama and maybe even help with some cool Mommy ideas.
Sweetness and smooches...
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