So I need to apologize up front...this post may be a little sad. I know I don't usually do sad well, and you are probably reading this thinking it was false advertising. I wrote some happy, regular old posts, lured you into reading the blog, then...WHAM, I hit you over the head with sad and heavy. I used pancakes and homemade laundry detergent as a blogging bait and switch. I promise you this is not the case! The original post began as a totally benign, slightly sappy Father's Day post about what great dads and grandpas I've known and a cute interview idea I saw and tried with the minis for Murph. The interview will be in my next post, but I just had to do this first.
My Dad, Papa, with the minis |
So let me start off by saying that I have been blessed. I know everyone says that but I really have been blessed. I have known some wonderful men in my life and my first men were my Dad and my Grandpa. My Dad has forever been my biggest cheerleader and when needed my biggest critic. He has loved me unconditionally and taught me to love others the same. He may live in Georgia, but rarely has a day gone by where we haven't spoken at least once or at the very least shared voicemails with one another. I also have been blessed to have an amazing Grandpa-he is 90 and still cracking me up. My Grandpa is like a second father to my sister and me. We always lived close to my grandparents-either across the street or upstairs. My Grandpa STILL chases after my minis in the yard and grows the best tomatoes I have ever eaten. I love the summer because my grocery bill drops considerably once his garden is in full bloom.
My Grandpa, Jojo, with the minis |
And of course I can't leave out my Murph! He's not only a pretty great husband, but an amazing father to our two minis. My kids light up when Murph walks into a room, and with good reason. I couldn't have imagined that the same guy who drove too fast, stayed out too late and tempted fate too often on the bike ramps he haphazardly constructed would be the same man who would wear a pink straw hat for tea and know all the words to the Fresh Beat Band songs to make his children happy.
Murph and the minis |
Poppa with Stina |
When I married Murph, sure I got a great guy, but I also gained his family. You always hear about "the INLAWS" (generally said with a certain tone). This is only natural when you are merging families and these families have their own traditions, ideas and personalities. It isn't always easy, but I am lucky to actually have, dare I say it GREAT INLAWS! I'm not going to make you all queasy and say we all have the perfect relationship at all times. Both our families are human and I am sure, like everyone else, that there have been times we conflicted on something or disagreed on an issue. Above all though, my family has accepted Murph and his family with open arms and they have done the same for my family and me. This brings me to the other father in my father in law. Murph's father, Pat opened his arms to me from the moment Murph and I began dating. Pat had raised four daughters and two sons and always treated me as if I'd been there since day one! Pat passed away on Monday night, the day after Father's Day. I think it was Murph's uncle who said to me at the wake-his death was expected but so unexpected. This was exactly it-Murph's father had dealt with a variety of health problems for many years but he had always seemed to push past things and we all sort of thought that he may outlive all of us. I never realized how hard it would be to say goodbye to him. Pat was a fixture in the house-he was ALWAYS there! He was either watching an old war movie, Walker Texas Ranger or playing with his grandchildren. I think I took it for granted that he would always be there-sharing a strange fact, telling a story about Rockaway, snoozing in his spot on the couch or sneaking the foods he was not supposed to eat. I don't think I'll ever drink a cup of tea without a pang in my heart. He was inadvertently funny and that's what I will always remember. Whether he was announcing the arrival of an Omaha Steaks delivery with gusto or telling me the plot of a Steven Seagal movie, he made me smile. He didn't like complicated, just ask the TV remote and VCR. It was simple with Pat-he loved his family and was happiest when he was sharing a story or a meal with them, just talking and being together. I don't think I'll ever really grasp the idea that he isn't going to be there.
Poppa, my father in law, with Matthew
This week has been a rough one. Most people who know me know that I am not good with change. Three years down the line and I am just starting to realize that my Grams won't be sitting at the kitchen table when I walk into my Grandpa's house to visit. I hate saying goodbye and I cry at the drop of a hat (thanks hormones and pregnancies). I saw, in action this week that when family comes together, you gain an amazing strength. So as cliche as it may sound, yes...I have been blessed. Blessed to have a been born into a wonderful family whose love is unending. I am blessed to have gained another family by marrying Murph, my inlaws who have accepted me into their hearts and their lives without skipping a beat. I have been blessed to have friends who without even a word knew gave me their love and support. I promise, I'll write about the interview next blog. Thought I'd get it in today, but sometimes you have to change it up a bit.
Very nice words Dana... I enjoyed this blog very much! Gina
ReplyDeleteDana , my sister, (not my "sister"), that was so beautiful!! I have read the part about my Dad three times already and I have cried each time. I will probably cry a few more times because I am sure I will read it again. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteAbout my brother- didn't he look so cute on Friday with his suit and pink princess umbrella!!
About my Dad- want some spare ribs??
We are so lucky to have you and your family as part of our family. I will miss you when I head back home.
That was beautiful Dana! I agree, it is going to be hard to walk into the house and not see Dad sitting there with a cup of tea, some "forbidden snack" a war movie, and a plan for another movie for you to look up for him.
ReplyDeleteYou say that you were lucky to get us but we are the lucky ones!
Thank you guys! I think the writing helps me deal with things. Let's just say we are lucky to have all found each other! Fate put us all together for a reason I guess. And yes-your brother looked so cute in his suit & the pink umbrella really made the look work for me! Your Dad would have teased him mercilessly for that one :-)