Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Down for The Count

I have been lucky in the fact that I have a toddler who is rarely if ever sick. Teeny has had maybe two colds and has really never run much of a fever, maybe just a 99.0 for a day or so. That is over...at least for now. My poor Teeny has been laying on the couch since Sunday afternoon with a fever - running between 102-103. Anyone who knows Teeny knows laying on the couch is NOT something she does often. She is one of the most active, energetic children I've ever seen. She can run around for hours non stop and barely take a 30 minute nap only to jump up and start running around all over again. Since Sunday, there has been a constant whimper coming from our living room couch. Our house is covered in beach towels, sheets and comforters to make for easy clean up from the various spit up sessions that have happened when she briefly ventures off the couch.

As usual, I have been the picture of calm-not really. I did call the doctor Sunday night in a moment of panic when her body turned red and her heart was beating too fast. She called me back and said "don't worry-that is normal with a high fever". I have read over the What to Expect:The Toddler Years and convinced myself that Teeny has some rare illness because the symptoms seemed to fit. It doesn't matter that she could have only caught these illnesses in a tropical climate-I was in Aruba 10 years ago, maybe it has been dormant in me! I can maybe see a little of why my husband gets so annoyed at what he considers my paranoia and over worrying. After a brief doctor's visit this morning it was confirmed-just a bad cold that Motrin will help ease. So no, Teeny doesn't have some rare tropical disease or rare condition. Just a run of the mill cold-one which I am sure Murph and I will both have by the end of the week!

Maybe I do worry a bit too much or panic over small things, but I can't help it. Maybe I call Murph every time I leave the house to check the flat iron to make sure it is unplugged or drive back home to make sure the burner is off after making a cup of tea. I am convinced that even though the coffee pot has an automatic shut off after 2 hours, it will fail the one day I forget to turn it off. While my excess concern may seem funny to my husband, I am sure that one of these days my worrying may save us from some disaster. So if I worry about Teeny's sniffles and fevers and plugs, oh well. Better to err on the side of caution!

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