Monday, January 18, 2010

The Dreaded Fifteen

First of all-an update on Teeny. Teeny ended up having croup this past week, not just a cold. My only image of croup was from Terms of Endearment when Debra Winger is sitting in an extremely steamed up bathroom with a screaming kid and a cheatin' husband. Needless to say, after a week of little to no sleep, a cranky toddler and now being sick myself, we have all-Teeny included, come through croup relatively unscathed. We did sit in a steamy bathroom for numerous mornings but no cheating went on-who has the energy to cheat when you've got a croupy toddler?!?!? Only in the movies I guess.

I'm sure everyone has heard of the freshman 15. You know, go away to school, eat bad dorm food, gain weight fight to lose it in time for spring break, only to gain it back in beer weight once on said break. I think this theory applies to motherhood as well. My weight has always been an "issue" for me. I have never been extremely overweight and I am told that I don't need to lose weight, but I know my body and I NEED to. Prior to my wedding almost 6 years ago, I did the South Beach Diet and got really skinny-I loved it! Then gained some back, lost it again and then....GOT PREGNANT! My top weight during my pregnancy was...hold your breath...178 lbs. After Teeny was born I lost alot of the weight, only to put some of it back on again.

I blame my weight gain on being home, and of course, lack of self control. I have been a generally healthy eater, with occasional binges. Except being home has sent these binges into overdrive! I started to eat things I would never have before-Cheerios Snack mix-a whole bag and explain it to myself that Teeny and I had shared it. Shared meaning she picked out some Cheerios and maybe a pretzel or two and I finished the rest for her. My dinner meals had also become more elaborate than when I was working. More time to grocery shop and cook meant more food to me. It also meant trying out recipes from cookbooks I haven't had time to use before. Cookbooks like my fat filled, but oh so delicious French Cooking book or Southern cookbooks filled with buttery biscuits and gravy. I have now been home since June and realized that I have gained my own freshman 15, give or take a few pounds.

So now its time to fight back. I hate New Years resolutions. I usually don't make them because by Jan 2nd, I have most likely over served myself wine or said a medley of curse words to the slow driver in front of me. So this is not a resolution, it just so happens that its easier for me to start a diet once the holidays have passed and we are no longer having wine filled, hors d'oeuvres laden family meals. I began South Beach Diet (again) on January 5. I am not sure of my exact start weight-only got the new scale on Saturday, but since I weighed myself at Teeny's pediatrician on Thursday, I've lost 4 pounds! The first week was pure torture. Leftover Christmas cookies and chocolates taunted me, but I stuck to my diet. Unfortunately for Murph, he is stuck eating the same food I cook for myself for dinner, only he eats double or triple portions. He's been a good sport. The biggest challenge so far has been sitting beside him after dinner watching him eat a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream and pretending to enjoy my cup of sugar free jello. I did overcome a big temptation today though-I baked fudge brownies for Murph and wasn't even tempted to try one! Progress my friends, progress! I even started to do yoga again. I also had a brief encounter with Carmen Electra's striptease aerobics at midnight the other day, but that is something for a later blog-trust me!

What I want is to get to my wedding weight again. Realistically I would be happy to be 10 pounds more than that. Ten years plus one child make me realize that I need to be reasonable. So here's to cutting out caffeine (headache), alcohol for a few weeks (boring) and sugar (life seems a little less sweet). I'll keep you posted on how its going and if Murph continues to enjoy his turkey bacon and butter-less veggies.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Down for The Count

I have been lucky in the fact that I have a toddler who is rarely if ever sick. Teeny has had maybe two colds and has really never run much of a fever, maybe just a 99.0 for a day or so. That is least for now. My poor Teeny has been laying on the couch since Sunday afternoon with a fever - running between 102-103. Anyone who knows Teeny knows laying on the couch is NOT something she does often. She is one of the most active, energetic children I've ever seen. She can run around for hours non stop and barely take a 30 minute nap only to jump up and start running around all over again. Since Sunday, there has been a constant whimper coming from our living room couch. Our house is covered in beach towels, sheets and comforters to make for easy clean up from the various spit up sessions that have happened when she briefly ventures off the couch.

As usual, I have been the picture of calm-not really. I did call the doctor Sunday night in a moment of panic when her body turned red and her heart was beating too fast. She called me back and said "don't worry-that is normal with a high fever". I have read over the What to Expect:The Toddler Years and convinced myself that Teeny has some rare illness because the symptoms seemed to fit. It doesn't matter that she could have only caught these illnesses in a tropical climate-I was in Aruba 10 years ago, maybe it has been dormant in me! I can maybe see a little of why my husband gets so annoyed at what he considers my paranoia and over worrying. After a brief doctor's visit this morning it was confirmed-just a bad cold that Motrin will help ease. So no, Teeny doesn't have some rare tropical disease or rare condition. Just a run of the mill cold-one which I am sure Murph and I will both have by the end of the week!

Maybe I do worry a bit too much or panic over small things, but I can't help it. Maybe I call Murph every time I leave the house to check the flat iron to make sure it is unplugged or drive back home to make sure the burner is off after making a cup of tea. I am convinced that even though the coffee pot has an automatic shut off after 2 hours, it will fail the one day I forget to turn it off. While my excess concern may seem funny to my husband, I am sure that one of these days my worrying may save us from some disaster. So if I worry about Teeny's sniffles and fevers and plugs, oh well. Better to err on the side of caution!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Where Does My Time Go?

One of the things I was looking forward to as a stay at home mommy was time. I imagined myself having time to clean, do laundry, cook fabulous dinners, watch tv, play with Teeny and even nap if I chose to. Let me just say...this is not the all! When I was working full time, if things like the laundry got a little backed up or we ordered a pizza because we were just too tired to cook, I accepted it as a casualty of my work schedule. I had hoped that having those "extra" hours in my day would give me what would seem like infinite time to get complete my things to do lists. The first month home seemed pretty close to what I had imagined-I had time for baby gym, farmers markets, laundry and some spare time to just hang around doing whatever. I started off my new self with a leap and managed to be excited about cooking pretty great dinners every night. By the end of September, this didn't seem to be happening anymore. I was getting more sleep than before, but was waking up as if I had just taken a 20 minute nap. Now all of a sudden, housework that had always seemed to get done, either by Murph or myself, was my responsibility and mine alone pretty much and I started to feel a bit overwhelmed. I began to think...HOLY CRAP! There is alot to do!!!! And I have found that it is impossible, TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do alot of it while Teeny is awake. Folding laundry with her help means double folding, cooking means Teeny stands at the kitchen gate crying for Mommy. I hate to admit it, but at times Nick Jr. has been the only way I have gotten anything done.

As this year has gone on, it comes in waves, ebbs & flows. One day I am totally energetic and getting tons done, the next I am out of it, and can barely bring myself to defrost a chicken cutlet let alone cook it. I have begun to wonder if the Rolling Stones hit the mark when they sang about Mother's Little Helpers. Mine has become coffee. And boy is it good.

I think December is when it really hit home for me. I had figured that for once my Christmas cards would be sent early, like the 1st or second week of December kind of early. Heck, I even ordered them by November 14th and had them sitting in our closet waiting to be sent out. The cards were sent out the 3rd week of December because I was just too tired to stick the address labels on or write out the envelopes after Teeny went to bed. Some how, I still (as of January 5th) have about 20 cards sitting on top of my shelf that I forgot to send out. Once again, it seemed like my dreams of TIME had flashed by me. Not to lay blame about this, but I have to admit that a few of them were still there because of missing addresses that Murph did not give me until December 23rd. At that point, I was in the midst of baking over 300 Christmas cookies, making marshmallows for everyone & wrapping them up and had forgotten about Christmas cards. I had hoped that the Christmas shopping I had begun way back in November and had been doing on a nearly daily basis would be done. Alas, I was in Target at 8 AM on December 24th buying my Mom the new hair dryer I had written on her "gifts to buy" list way back in September! And even worse, I was online on the night of December 24th ordering a DVD set for my Dad I had forgotten about. I was still hanging lights in my windows as of December 19th-an impossible task when Teeny is pulling them across the room.

I had started this new life with lists that were completely crossed off at the end of each day. These lists have gotten frighteningly longer as things to do from one day are transferred as unfinished to the next day. I have started to realize that I may have come into this new life with a very romantic and unrealistic idea of what being a stay at home mom would be like. At first I started to think it was just me, but it took Christmas kicking me in the behind to make me realize that it doesn't have to be this way. My family is fed, they have clean clothes and my house, for the most part, is maintained. They all seem happy. I have time to play with Teeny and maybe even take a nap or watch Days of our Lives while eating our lunches. If that means ordering a pizza once in a while, then fine.

And if you haven't gotten my Christmas card yet, don't worry, it's on my top shelf and will be mailed tomorrow. Why not keep the Christmas spirit going just a little bit longer!

The Real "First" Christmas

Ok, so now it is January, Christmas was more than a week ago and I have not fully recovered. Neither has our house, or Teeny's bedtime for that matter. After celebrating this Christmas, I am beginning to feel as if this was more like Teeny's first Christmas. Of course, last year was her first calendar year Christmas, but she really didn't do much. She played with her toys, sort of, but couldn't open any gifts. At 7 months, she was just as interested in the boxes as she was in an overpriced Elmo Live that Santa had brought. Her only memories of that Christmas will be what Murph and I tell her and from the pictures she will see.

I consider this to be Teeny's "First" Christmas. This year, at 20 months old, Teeny was able to participate so much more in the activities of the season. She helped me bake and cut out cookies, unwrapped gifts for friends and family as I wrapped them and even made a foam wreath-not that it looked much like a wreath. Teeny watched Christmas movies and tv shows and seemed to show an interest in them, laughing at the right times, etc. Christmas morning is what really solidified it for me as her "first" Christmas. When Teeny saw her presents under the tree, she showed genuine shock and excitement! She turned each gift over and unwrapped it like a pro! For all the joy this Christmas seemed to bring to her, mine was a million times more. It was a great feeling to see my daughter open these gifts with gusto and happiness in her eyes. Each "Oooh WOW!" made my heart melt.

So, yes, while last year may have been Teeny's first Christmas, this Christmas, to me at least, will always be Teeny's first real Christmas! I can only imagine what next year will bring!